I bought one of these for my 10 year old niece. When my daughter saw it she immediately wanted one also.
- sisco
Great product for a travel kit - would recommend for kids to use in car travel as well as for a carry-along for when a creative idea might strike.
- S. Bush
A wonderful gift. I'm going to order more for all my art gal friends birthdays and mine to boot. Great quality. Good selection of watercolor tools,
- S. Sparks "Lusterworks"
Disappointed. Pencils seem like low quality regular colored pencils, waxy with little pigment. Water doesn't effect them. Case is longer than needed, but only an inch or so thick, not really much use for anything else. I'd have done better with a thrift store purse and some quality water color pencils.
- Jeannie "Dreamer"
Bought this for my artistic granddaughter. It was slightly disappointing. The paper provided is smaller than I imagined it would be. She liked it ok, but I probably wouldn't buy this again after seeing it in person.
- Grandma J
I bought two of these watercolor sets and have introduced my two grandchildren to an art journal, which they really love. I thought this set would work well and entertain them in the car or anywhere they may need to be occupied while away from home and their journals.
I purchased this for my youngest daughter who likes to draw. The set has paper (1/2 the size of 8 x 11), several colored pencils and a brush. You create a picture by using the colored pencils, then wet the brush & it makes the picture look like it's painted. I am going to purchase another one for my youngest son who also likes to draw.
- Crazy Horse
your art toolsThe Keep N' Carry features elastic bands to hold all your tools in place for easy traveling and storageIncludes ..
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